Thursday, February 11, 2016

How deep we can go to show we are attracted to our crush

Here I go with the small story...

            There was this girl he really liked, back in college. They had made plans to meet for lunch. Her roommate dropped her off at the restaurant they were supposed to meet. They had lunch and had a delightful conversation about worldly things.

             When it was time to leave, he told her that he could drop her back to her hostel on his motorbike. She was... is, a very joyful and charming lady, but had one flaw - she was very practical about things. You see, the restaurant was at the center with her hostel and mine being on opposite sides. So in her words, "It doesn't make any sense for you to go that way and double back to your hostel"
              Like all men his age, who fought tooth and nail with their fathers to get the bike that they wanted, he didn't mind driving a few extra miles even in the absence of a gorgeous pillion as she. With her - he could go 500 miles, and he could go 500 more...

              For once though (may be just for kicks) luck was on his side. A strike was declared that day for all public transportation, which they knew nothing about. She tried hailing a couple of autos (for the uninitiated, autos are just like cabs, but on three wheels, with built in vibrators under each seat, and have a licence to thrill on Indian roads).

              None of the auto drivers were willing to drive, owing to the strike. A single one who did agree to drive, was charging 4x the usual fare. He told her, "It doesn't make sense to spend so much money... You'll just be encouraging them to exploit others".
She pointed at one auto that stood a little ahead on the road, and said "Tell you what? If that guy agrees to drive for 2x the fare or below, I'll take it. Otherwise, you can drive me to the hostel."
They walked up to the auto and she asked him, "How much would you charge for driving up to XYZ hostel?"
He said, "Rs. 80".
The actual fare was around Rs 35 to Rs 40. He was cutting it close on the 2x criteria.

               While she was debating whether to take the auto or not, he panicked. He took out a 100 rupee note, and told the auto driver, "I'll give you 100 bucks not to drive her."
The auto driver was quite sharp. He didn't waste time in asking stupid questions, like "Why?". He just snatched the note out of his hand, and drove away.
She turned to me and said, "Why the hell did you do that for?"
He gave a sheepish grin, and said "I just felt like driving you back."

              By this time she had started punching me, "You're insane! And stupid! And insane! You could have just said so! What about all that talk of not encouraging them to exploit others? You could have donated that money to a good cause!"

               He took the fact that she was walking towards his bike and not walking away from his as a good sign, and replied "I did donate it for a good cause."
She caught his grin, and returned a goofy laugh, "You're insane!"

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-Loved Reading

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Love: How do you know that you are really fall in love with someone ?

          This post is gonna talk about the love between opposite gender of teen age persons. When you love someone you may forget yourself easily & frequently. Followings are the signs that shows you when you fall in love.

  • You’re addicted to this person.
  • When you can't stop talking about this person with someone in his/her absence. 
  • You really want your friends or family to like this person.
  • You celebrate this person’s triumphs (even when you yourself fail).
  • When you imagining your future with this person especially kids.
  • You definitely like this person, and this person likes you.
  • You really miss this person when you’re apart.
  • When you are missing this person like missing oxygen
  • Your sense of self has grown through knowing this person.
  • When you staring at this persons emotions, actions, talk always
  • You get jealous—but not suspicious.
  • When you feel this persons pain in your heart.
  • When you pay attention to every detail this person tells you and you remember things even this might have forgotten.
  • When you can't stop smiling and blushing when you are teased by her name :)
 Comment below to let us know you found that you are in love.
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